Back in 1996, screenwriter-turned-novelist Bill Fitzhugh released his debut comic thriller, Pest Control -- a hilarious action novel about a Manhattan exterminator mistaken for an "EXTERMINATOR" (you know, the kind that kills people). The book ended with... well, I'm not going to give it away, but fans remember it was left open to the possibility of a sequel.
Bill followed Pest Control with other funny crime novels, including The Organ Grinders (my favorite) and Heart Seizure (which Bill himself bills as "Midnight Run but with a human heart instead of Charles Grodin"). Yet he's long toyed with the idea of what happened to reluctant, accidental hitman Bob Dillon, and now, 15 years after the publication of Pest Control, the sequel arrives by way of Busted Flush Press! The Exterminators will be launched at Left Coast Crime 2011 in Santa Fe next March. I can promise you, this one is just as funny as the first, if not funnier, as Bill brings our favorite ersatz assassin to Hollywood! It's Carl Hiaasen, Christopher Moore, Jack Bauer, The Professional, and The Player, all put in a Cuisinart and served up Fitzhugh-style.
Bill Fitzhugh will be the toastmaster at this year's Left Coast Crime in Los Angeles, March 11-14. If you're attending, you're in for a treat as he shares more news about the book.
Bill shares some of his thoughts on the history of Pest Control and its sequel on the blog this weekend! Please check back. We'll also have the cover for Ace Atkins's Dark End of the Street, an excerpt from A. E. Maxwell's Just Enough Light to Kill, and more!
Bill followed Pest Control with other funny crime novels, including The Organ Grinders (my favorite) and Heart Seizure (which Bill himself bills as "Midnight Run but with a human heart instead of Charles Grodin"). Yet he's long toyed with the idea of what happened to reluctant, accidental hitman Bob Dillon, and now, 15 years after the publication of Pest Control, the sequel arrives by way of Busted Flush Press! The Exterminators will be launched at Left Coast Crime 2011 in Santa Fe next March. I can promise you, this one is just as funny as the first, if not funnier, as Bill brings our favorite ersatz assassin to Hollywood! It's Carl Hiaasen, Christopher Moore, Jack Bauer, The Professional, and The Player, all put in a Cuisinart and served up Fitzhugh-style.

Bill shares some of his thoughts on the history of Pest Control and its sequel on the blog this weekend! Please check back. We'll also have the cover for Ace Atkins's Dark End of the Street, an excerpt from A. E. Maxwell's Just Enough Light to Kill, and more!
Oh that's fantastic news! PEST CONTROL is one of my favourites and it's great to hear there's going to be a sequel.
Thank you,David, for bringing these fabulous books back to our hands. Bill Fitzhugh is an evil genius (that's a good thing in Mississippi!)
I am extremly interested into the strange tehnology quest of home
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Busted Flush Rules! What an amazing cover. I cannot to see what lies between the pages! If it is a fraction as good as the cover, BFP will have a masterpiece on their hands. And you certainly deserve it!
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Great news. These are the kinds of pest control stories you want to be hearing about.
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